About Tina Ross
Tina Ross was a dedicated teacher, businesswoman, politician, and mother in our community. She was detail oriented and always did her research. She was strong in her convictions, passionate about her causes, and was always ready to listen to others with an open mind. She served our community as a public servant with a vision for a strong and thriving Mint Hill. Her decades of civic leadership demonstrated her energy and passion. She was instrumental in organizing the first Mint Hill Madness and wrote the first check for what is now known as the Mint Hill Chamber of Commerce.
The Business Person of the Year Award is presented to an individual who has positively contributed to the betterment of Mint Hill’s business community. The award is given to a business leader who excels in the areas of leadership, growth and involvement and who is dedicated, not only to their company, but to making an impact in Mint Hill. The award is open to Chamber Members and non-members.
Eligibility Criteria
- Has a leadership role in a currently operating business
- Made significant contributions to aid community-oriented projects through the use of his/her personal resources, i.e. time, effort, etc. in supporting Mint Hill
- Displays exemplary customer services
- Reputation of personal integrity and fair business practices
- Inspires and/or motivates others to become involved and serve in the Mint Hill community
- Leads by example
Information to include in your nomination: Examples of successful solutions to business challenges. Demonstration of management or product innovation. Demonstration of leadership in the business sector. Demonstration of community/civic involvement, could include significant contributions to the creation of new jobs, energy saving and environmental improvement. Substantiated history as an established business, such as why the business was started and success in meeting objectives.
Please submit your completed form by October 24th for consideration. The Tina Ross Leadership committee will present the award to the individual selected at the Mint Hill Chamber of Commerce Annual Members Meeting on November 7th, 2024. Please call the Chamber office with any additional questions at 704-573-8282